SUMMARY: The Zipf-Mandelbrot law is a power law observed in natural languages. A mathematical diagnosis of fetal heart dynamics was developed using this law. Objective: To develop a methodology for diagnostic tools to assess the degree of complexity of cardiac dynamics in adults by the zipf-Mandelbrot law. Methodology: To this end, a mathematical induction was performed; Two groups of holter images were selected: 11 with a normal diagnosis and 11 with an acute disease of each group, one Holter from each group was selected for induction, the Zipf-Mandelbrot law was applied to assess the degree of complexity of each Holter and to look for similarities or differences between the dynamics. A blinded study was conducted with 20 Holters who calculated sensitivity, specificity and kappa coefficient. Results: The degree of complexity of normal cardiac dynamics ranged from 0.9483 to 0.7046, with acute dynamics ranging from 0.6707 to 0.4228. Conclusions: A new physico-mathematical methodology for diagnostic tools has been developed; It was found that the degree of complexity of normal heart dynamics was higher than in people with acute illness, which showed quantitatively how heart dynamics could turn into an acute condition. Cohen, J. (1960) A Coefficient of Agreement for Nominal Scales. Educational and psychological measure, 20, 37-46 Sign up here to access free tools such as favorites and notifications, or access personal subscriptions If you have access to a journal through a company or associations, see the instructions below To access the content of the company`s journals varies by title.

If you have access to a magazine through a club or association membership, please access your company`s magazine, select an article you want to view, and follow the instructions in this field. TITLE: Physical Mathematical Assessment of Heart Dynamics Zipf-Mandelbrot Law Enforcement Some company journals require you to create a personal profile and then activate your business account If you have access to journal content through a university, library, or employer, register here JOURNAL NAME: Journal of Modern Physics, Vol.6 No.13, October 29, 2015 Contact us, if you have difficulty logging in. You can be logged in at the same time using one or all of the methods listed below. AUTHOR: Javier Oswaldo Rodríguez, Signiert Esperanza Prieto, Sandra Catalina Correa, Fernán Mendoza, Giora Weiz, María Yolanda Soracipa, Nelly Velásquez, Juan Mauricio Pardo, Miguel Martínez, Freddy Barrios SCHLÜSSELWÖRTER: Herzfrequenz, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Zipf-Mandelbrot-Gesetz, Komplexitätsgrad. . . .